Twilight Scrawls - Original Press Release
You may have seen in Ria's Book Look my review for Twilight Scrawls. I edited the review and added to it to fit in with the format of the review section of the webby. Below is the original. Short, sweet but I am proud of it. Enjoy
Kirsten Maguire's new poetry collection is the chocolate box gift for the soul who's seeking answers. Observing the simplicity of nature contrasted with the complexity of modern living, Kirsten's varied poetic style references seamlessly eastern and western philosophy. Twilight Scrawls left me smiling, wondering and clawing for enlightenment and progress. Each poem dances to its own beat, rhythm and rhyme, emulating the vivid personality of this talented poet.
Ria Morrell
Blogger and writer of Ria's Book Look
Insta: Riasbooklook
Twitter: Riasbooklook